

The only individualized information that Krishma Export Ltd obtains about you through this web site is information you voluntarily supply. We will only use that information to fulfill the purpose for which it was supplied to us.

Krishma Export Ltd obtains non-individualized, generic information about your visit to our web site through the use of cookies. Cookies are small pieces of data which are sent by a web site to your web browser and are stored on your computer. Data derived from the cookies is aggregated and used by Krishma Export Ltd for statistical tracking purposes. We use this information to understand traffic patterns on our web site and to gauge and improve the web sites effectiveness. The data is not used for individual identification and Krishma Export Ltd in no way relates your personal information to these traffic pattern statistics.

If you are concerned about the use of cookies, you may configure your web browser to either request your specific acceptance of a cookie or disable cookies entirely. You will still be able to fully navigate our web site if you choose to refuse or disable cookies.