

Each Sugar Coated Tablet Contains FUNGAL DIASTASE 100MG + PAPIN 60MG + ACTIVATED CHARCOAL 75MG

No More Acidity, No Bloating…

Price – 05 Tablets of Rs.42.66

It is used to treat in indigestion problems. It is a dietary supplement that quickens the digestion process and helps in the treatment of indigestion, bloating, gas or any stomach discomfort. The bacteria in probiotics also help to strengthen the body’s immune system and ward off infections. Probiotics help in the absorption and assimilation of vital nutrients in the body. They also aid in the production of certain compounds that alter the pH, thereby helping in the growth of beneficial bacteria. As probiotics increase the microbial load of good bacteria, proper digestion of food is also ensured.

  • Acts as a true pro-digestive enzyme which helps in the digestion of food
  • Helps in the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins into simpler compounds.
  • Helps in the absorption of nutrients, thereby preventing malabsorption.
  • Contains papain which helps breakdown the proteins in the stomach.
  • Contains charcoal that has an absorbing property helpful to bind unwanted substances and toxins in the stomach and flush them out of the body.