Confident Plus

Confident Plus

Each 5ml Contains: Brahmi 200mg + Khulekhara 100mg + Shakhapushpi 100mg + Shunthi 25mg + Thankuni 200mg + Yas????madhu 100mg + Alkushi 25mg


Price – 100ml Bo????le of Rs.140.00, 200ml Bo????le of Rs.240.00

We proudly present Condent Plus which is accredited by the University Of Calcutta (Department of Chemical Engineering) for Human consumption for its exceptional ayurvedic formulation which provides a wide range of positive effects on our day-to-day life and is also Licenced & approved by the Ayush Department of Govt. of Hariyana, Ayush Bhawan, Hariyana. This ayurvedic formulation is equally effective to enhance daily activity from children to old age people.

The formulation is a unique combinationof Brahmi, Khulekhara, Shakhapushpi, Shunthi, Thankuni, Yastimadhu & Alkushi. Each of the ingredients has its unique natural properties and is used since the Vaidik age. We just titrated these ingredients in a manner to utilize their maximum effectiveness. Most importantly Condent plus Syrup is purely Sugar-Free.

Brahmi: Reduces stress and anxiety as it decreases the levels of cortisol, which is known as the stress hormone.

Kulekhara: Extract increases the level of glutathione — a chemical that improves insulin sensitivity — in the body. These leaves have anti-inflammation properties.

Shakhapushpi: It helps to manage digestion and constipation due to its mild laxative property. It improves mental health and helps in managing depression.

Shunthi: Best Ayurveda herb to correct the metabolism of the body. This herb benefits a lot in all digestive disorders especially hemorrhoids, loss of appetite, tastelessness, and flatulence.

Thankuni: Relieves Wound Pain, Builds Blood Flow, Forestalls Blood Clots, Decreases Inflammation,Forestalls Stomach ulcers, Common Brain Booster, Assists with beating Insomnia, Rinse HarmfulToxins from Your Body, assists with treating Fever, Controls Blood Pressure, Accommodating WeightManagement.

Yastimadhu: Antacid, Anti-ulcerogenic, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant,Anti-Alzheimer’s, Anti-obesogenic, Anti-adipogenic, Antiatherogenic,Anticancer, Anti-angiogenic (in cancer or Tumors), Antiproliferative (in cancer or Tumors), Anti-asthmatic, Antibacterial, Adaptogenic, Analgesic, Anti-arthritic, Antidepressant,Antioxidant, Anti-stress, Antitussive, Aphrodisiac, Demulcent, Expectorant, Immuno-modulator, Mildestrogenic — It might influence estrogen levels in women.

Alkushi: Antiperkinsons & Neuroprotecter.

  • Signicantly Improves Metabolic Activity.
  • Boost Immune System.
  • Energize cells for better Organ Function..
  • Combat Inammation & Premature aging.
  • Condently maintain the whole Body-Health.
  • Optimize rest & reduce stress.
  • To Enhance and work on Neuronal correspondence and Intelligence.
  • Help to Sharpen Memory.
  • Helps to Hold and Recuperate Memory Even late in life.
  • To Support and Balance out CNS to lessen Dementia and help in sound Sleep
  • Condently maintain the whole Body-Health.
  • Provide Increment force to work.